Finding the Fragments of My Heart, scars and all.

I woke up to a dream that the title of my book will be called “Finding your Heart”, in addition to my seeing an absolutely incredible red and bursting magnificent sunrise. 

We are out of water again. It’s kind of like the wild west in some ways where I actually wish I had a wash basin and a pitcher for cleaning my pussy and not so “private parts” at night. 

As I was doing so with the bottled water (rumored to all be owned by the Coca-Cola company), I had a thought that occurred to me based on what the hypnotist said. If what the scientists she knows are telling the truth and the aquifer that was contaminated by the abandoned silver mine is no longer impure, then maybe the water is totally drinkable. If so, then that would make complete sense why the Walton family, that is also owned by Walmart is buying up tons of land around here and spending a lot of money to restore the historic buildings and spaces. Hmm...

Back to bed now. The human mind cannot exist on three hours of sleep alone with any great aptitude. So, I’m going to powder my ass now and go back to bed.

But I’m pretty sure upon this reflection that I’m supposed to buy the property of “El Corazon”near Santiago so I can find tranquility and continue to write.

And I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to get my eyes fixed like Maru suggested so that I can more fully see the contrast in the sunrise.

Yes, it will be called “Finding the Fragments of My Heart - scars and all.”


loving my pelvic floor is working.


a bit of the old ultraviolet.